"Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best game in the world." - Babe Ruth
"The only thing I can do is play baseball. I have to play ball. It's the only thing I know. " - Mickey Mantle
Baseball. America's past time. The teams for this year have been solidified and the season is only a few games in. It's anybody's guess who could be walking out with a series title as no team seems to be having any magnificent stroke of luck.
Not only do the teams have a championship to worry about but also maintaining their families, forming relationships, spending their cash flow, and just plain staying in favor in the public eye. Though they're treated like gods they're all only human...
Set in present day the group allows all sorts of characters: Baseball players, coaches, agents, announcers, reporters, mascots, family members, fans/townies... The list doesn't really end. Cannons (though slightly AU for the most part as most choose to play them that way) are allowed as are originals. Give us your best shot, after all...